Torn Banner Studios
Chivalry 2
As a User Interface Designer at Torn Banner Studios, I collaborated with amazing fellow Producers, Game Designers, Software Engineers and Directors to create more fun medieval experience for Chivalry 2 players.
Company /
Torn Banner Studios
Role /
Sr. UI Designer
Year /
01 / Main Menu Update
Team /
Rasmus Lofstrom (Game Director)
Stan Komarovski (Software Engineer)
Freeman Kam (Software Engineer)
When I joined Torn Banner Studios, Chivalry 2 had already been released for more than a year. However, we wanted to make refresh and make some changes to already existing UI to create better UI experience for our players.
Even with limited resources and time, we were able to collaborate and implement great changes to our UI as a team.
Previous Main Menu
The team wanted to
Chaos Theory Battle Pass Event
02 / Weapon HUD
Team /
Aaron Rutledge (XD Director)
Jamile Marcellino (UX Designer)
David Bocek (Game Designer)
During my time at Apex Legends, I was privileged to see and test new weapons before releasing.
It was an amazing experience to work and collaborate with the amazing team members in different disciplines to create solutions for weapon HUDs.